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  • Writer's pictureJames Johnson

Hiring Managers June Newsletter: Gaining an advantage in hiring

As 2022 rolls along, hiring isn’t getting any easier for a lot of companies. Talent is increasingly scarce, and you need any advantage you can get. I’m here for that.

In this month’s newsletter, getting inside the minds of younger workers, welcoming back boomerang employees, and advice on how to write better job postings.

What the Younger Workforce Is Thinking

What are the younger members of today’s workforce thinking?

The NY Times conducted a focus group of 12 millennial Americans — arguably not a fairly representative slice of the workforce, but a slice nonetheless. What they had to say was interesting for any HR leader hoping to hire bright young talent.

A few things:

  • They’re not willing to work long hours with unsupportive managers just for the sake of a paycheck, like generations before them took for granted as the status quo

  • With a lot of great jobs out there, in fact, they no longer believe in “paying dues”

  • They’re variously burned out, bored, overworked, frustrated, empowered, and optimistic

In other words, they’re not necessarily thrilled with the way things are going right now, but they have hope for the future. While these words and ideas came from a small focus group, they encapsulate a lot of what I hear in my everyday conversations with job seekers in my role as Executive Recruiter. As a hiring manager, take them to heart.

Welcoming Back Boomerang Employees

More businesses than ever are inclined to take back boomerang employees right now— employees who quit, but later want back in. In fact, one study shows that of every five people who quit a job during the pandemic one has already boomeranged back, and two more would consider it if it were an option.

There are, of course, advantages to rehiring past employees. They know your company, they get the culture, and you don’t have to train them to the same degree. But you always want to consider why, and how, they left. As a recruiter for 12+ years, I’ve seen rehires work out quite well — and I’ve seen them NOT.

How to Write Better Job Postings

The stakes are higher for hiring managers now, and you can’t rely on the same old hiring playbook that used to work. I’m frequently asked how companies can improve their odds with hiring. Aside from working with a recruiter, of course, there are some important pointers I can relay about writing job descriptions and postings.

  • Include compensation right up front in your job postings

  • Get rid of buzzwords and add real context and information

  • Above all, always be honest

Yes, a job posting is an ad, but you really can’t sell a product that doesn’t exist. When in doubt, consult a recruiter.

More Recommended Reading

James Johnson

Johnson Recruiting Group

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